Our 2024 Baby Shower is going on now!
In case anyone has missed it, our 2024 Baby Shower Drive is taking place now. This year's request list is available in hard copy form on the round table in the Narthex, on a the poster in the lower lobby (you can snap a picture) and on the parish website in the Samaritans Ministry section with info about this drive, including a link to the list. Click
HERE to see that info. This year's requests are a mix of baby items and $25 shopping cards.
Please consider using our RaiseRight shopping card program to purchase cards to donate or cards to use to purchase donated items. You can visit the RaiseRight table in the Narthex around Masses or contact me with any RaiseRight questions. Samaritans receives a rebate for all shopping cards purchased, which is used to support Samaritans activities. It is a way to help even more while spending what you normally would.
All donated items must be dropped off to church by 11:00am on Sunday, May 5th in order to be included in the distribution to organizations.
Anyone interested in helping to sort donated items is welcome to come to the Community Room on Sunday, May 5th from 8:30am until we finish, which is usually around midday. You can come for however long works for you. We'll take whatever time you're able to give. If possible, let me know if you are planning to come help that day; so I can plan accordingly (you can reply to this note).
Thanks for your support!